Δευτέρα 13 Ιανουαρίου 2014

How to wear a pencil skirt from morning till night .

The pencil skirt is one of the safest and female options for all the hours you meet certain basic requirements . To wear a Pencil Skirt with desired results as it may seem strict you should be able to wear comfortable pants to size medium., Or you can choose an A -line skirt that flatters the more more " full " silhouettes.

  Dear my attention , this skirt if you do not have the perfect figure you should not wear a lot fitter , better to choose one size larger than usual in order to be more comfortable and your highlights .

 The morning pencil skirt can be worn with a simple blouse or a shirt and flat shoes for a simple casual outfit . For a more " professional " look , we could add a belt , a simple high-heeled shoe , a simple necklace .
While the jacket comes complete the "professional" set .


 If you want to be original you can choose one with pencil drawings. Caution combinations we should be very sophisticated because the set can easily become excessive and kitschy .
The morning this skirt can be worn comfortably with a T -shirt and flat shoes while later we can add accessories and high heels .
The makeup of simple morning outwear can be more intense and changed all of our appearance .

The ensemble below is indicating an all day outwear for a profesional look.

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